Jun 27, 2023
“Balance is much more thinking of that image of a surfer on the surfboard riding the wave. Life is going to crash in any number of different directions, but the surfer is there enjoying the ride the entire time,” explains Luke Iorio, host of the podcast, On This Walk. Today, he shares his thoughts on...
Jun 20, 2023
“You can think about profit, you can think about people, and you can think about purpose, and really intersect those three concepts. And the research shows that when you have those, you actually have better performing companies,” explains Shaara Roman, CEO of the Silverene Group, a culture consulting firm,...
Jun 13, 2023
“We can't necessarily control change because organizations are living systems. But we can certainly more effectively manage the journey and impact and ramifications of the changes in our organization,” explains Tim Creasey, Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci, an international leader in change management. Today, he...
Jun 6, 2023
“There are things there that without that evil, without that pain, without that bad, I would not have a chance to further understand some of the mysteries that are out there for me to continue to grow and experience whatever it is I'm meant to experience next,” shares Joshua Berry, Managing Director and co-founder...