Jan 31, 2023
“What do we want for our customers, our best clients? Strong, long term relationship that has mutually beneficial results, right? So why do we not think about our employees the same way?”, asks John Saunders, founder of Forward Advisory Solutions and author of The Optimizer: Building and Leading a Team of Serial...
Jan 24, 2023
“Most problems in companies today is that they have terrible managers,” explains Beth Banks Cohn, PhD. Beth is the president and founder of Adra Change Architects and has over 30 years of experience as an accomplished organizational consultant. Today, Beth talks about how to most effectively go about architecting...
Jan 17, 2023
“We need to start by being transparent and willing to be assessed. Look at the data. Allow the data to drive our personal and professional improvement. And this is how we can ensure that we have a measurable way to increase our leadership skill sets,” explains Dr. Toby A. Travis. Dr. Toby is the Founder of Trusted,...